Trekking Llanganuco – Santa Cruz 4/3
This is one of the ecologically diverse and scenic trails among the earths mountain ranges.while hiking beneath dozens of iced peaks many of them 6000 meters above sea level,such as the world famous Huascaran 6768 m., 6655 m. Huandoy 6395 m,chacraraju 6112m, chopicalqui 6354m,Alpamayo 5947m, and taulliraju 5830m, you will admire colorful lakes,tropical high Andean flora and fauna,and ancient archaeological remains.we visit Andean villages of friendly people living traditional lifestyles and participating in our educational and participating in our educational and ecotourism programs
This is one of the ecologically diverse and scenic trails among the earths mountain ranges.while hiking beneath dozens of iced peaks many of them 6000 meters above sea level,such as the world famous Huascaran 6768 m., 6655 m. Huandoy 6395 m,chacraraju 6112m, chopicalqui 6354m,Alpamayo 5947m, and taulliraju 5830m, you will admire colorful lakes,tropical high Andean flora and fauna,and ancient archaeological remains.we visit Andean villages of friendly people living traditional lifestyles and participating in our educational and participating in our educational and ecotourism programs